how to pronounce map


audio example by a male speaker

audio example by a female speaker

the above transcription of map is a detailed (narrow) transcription according to the rules of the International Phonetic Association; you can find a description of each symbol by clicking the phoneme buttons in the secction below.

map is pronounced in one syllable

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example pitch curve for pronunciation of map


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video examples of map pronunciation

An example use of map in a speech by a native speaker of american english:

“… Jean Loup uses GPS to map his runs on a …”

meanings of map


  1. A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary, showing the relative positions of places and other features.
  2. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Araschnia (especially, Araschnia levana) and Cyrestis, having map-like markings on the wings.
  3. Initialism of microtubule-associated protein.
  4. Acronym of minor attracted person, often used about a paedophile, hebephile or ephebophile, but can apply to anyone finding minors attractive.
  5. The face.
  6. An imaginary or fictional area, often predefined and confined, where a game or a session thereof takes place.
  7. Initialism of modified American plan, a hotel rate that included accommodation, breakfast and dinner, but not lunch.
  8. Acronym of methyl-acetylene propadiene.
  9. A graphical or logical representation of any structure or system, showing the positions of or relationships between its components.
  10. A function.
  11. Initialism of mean arterial pressure.


  1. To act as a function on something, taking it to something else.
  2. To create a map of; to examine or survey in order to gather information for a map.
  3. To represent by means of a map.
  4. To have a direct relationship; to correspond.
  5. To create a direct relationship to; to create a correspondence with.

map frequency in english - B2 level of CEFR

the word map occurs in english on average 31.5 times per one million words; this frequency warrants it to be in the study list for B2 level of language mastery according to CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference.

topics map can be related to

it is hard to perfectly classify words into specific topics since each word can have many context of its use, but our machine-learning models believe that map can be often used in the following areas:

1) education, science, and technology;

words with pronunciation similar to map


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